Nordic TD Forum

About NTDF


Film making is constantly challenged creatively as well as technically. We need on-going research & development in order to deliver the best results. Networking, collaboration, and sharing ideas and experiences are essential.


The vision is to create an opportunity for Technical Directors and high end CG artists to meet face to face, exchange know-how, discuss problems, evaluate possible solutions and optimize ways of working. In short… to learn from each others’ experiences.


We finance across borders, we produce across borders, we work across borders… we even distribute across borders. Now it is time to plan and prepare pipelines across borders!

The majority of today’s entertainment content is financed, produced and distributed as collaborations across borders. The Nordic content providers are – despite considerable international recognition and lots of hard work – under constant and heavy competition from big international players. Today audiences don’t care about the origin of a piece of content. There are no automatic loyalty for a product, a director, an artist. Audiences are motivated by interest, accessibility, and availability.

NTDF wants to strenghten the position of Nordic content in the global marked.  We want to create better knowledge and understanding of Nordic art and culture. We want to encourage more Nordic collaborations. We want to bring together the various players of the content providers’ industry in order to learn from each other, connect with each other. And thereby lay the ground for future collaborations in the region.

Producers’ Forum was introduced in 2013 and will continue to be part of the NTDF event moving forward. Producers Forum (PF) will run in parallel with NTDF. The purpose of PF is to create a scene for Producers to meet and network outside studies and across countries. The same way as NTDF creates a platform for regional TDs to meet. To organize and co-host PF along side with NTDF – at the same location – will further encourage and enhance Producers’ opportunity to see and learn more about the technical side of production. Knowledgements our daily work lifes will benefit from. PF and NTDF will also enjoy shared sessions. By bringing an audience of Technical Directors and Producers into the same room we will open up for a much needed discussion on work flow optimization. Which is in fact the core idea behind NTDF.

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NTDF 2018 Conference Gallery